Vital Spark Clyde Puffer Plans
We told you a little about the Clyde Puffer Vital Spark and Captain Para Handy before, when we posted Lochinvar Clyde Puffer plans. Vital Spark is a fictional puffer in stories of Scottish writer Neil Munro . It is mostly known from tv series on BBC. The puffer used in the series was the puffer Saxon .
The plans are mode detailed and cleaner than Locihinvar. You can find them both in .dxf and .pdf formats. There are hull line plans, deck plans and rigging plans in the set. Puffers are nice models to built. I can not say they are so easy, but one of the easiest scale model ships to build.
hello ,
I have a Stuart Turner twin launch engine , steam , approx 125cm long and approx 2.5 kgs . I would like some advice on a suitable hull that I could build . I have seen two models that I thought may suit , NORDKAP and JOHN OXLEY. I would like your comment please . There is a steam tug JOHN OXLEY located in the maratime Mueseum in Brisbane is that the same one on you website ?
The tug in the Brisbane museum is the Carlock while the John Oxley is at present being restored in Sydney.
Maybe this could help you if you look up the scale plans o line and calculate the area required.