
Wanna join the crew?

There are some ways that you can help us out and support us for our efforts to help scale model builders.

Become an author!

If you think you can publish articles, tutorials, videos about scale model ship building hobby and maritime, that will be so valuable for us and our followers.

Become technical consultant!

If you have technical skills to restore old, distorted ship plans, scale them, make them easier to print, then we definitely need your help! There are some plans on the site or in the archive which are not scaled right, in different formats or defected. So any help on these will be highly valuable.

Donate a plan!

If you are the copyright owner of a ship plan, if you know copyright free sources, and if you want to share them we will be delighted.

Follow and support us on social media!

To stay updated about new content on the site, and have a little fun, follow us on social media. Every like, share, retweet, +1 matters to reach out more people and grow our community.

Help to keep the site afloat!