Karaca brings classic Istanbul ferries to your table
No matter what your hobby is, items with related theme always take your attention. In our case, for model ship makers and maritime enthusiasts, anything about ships grab our attention instantly.

Quite a while ago, a friend of mine sent me photos of a ceramic breakfast set made by Karaca. When it is collected, the whole set takes the form of a classic Istanbul passenger ferry. Karaca also used the same color scheme of Şehir Hatları, Istanbul City Lines company.

Details like iconic cross anchor funnell logo on salt and pepper shakers are lovely. Karaca named the breakfast set as “Ada Vapuru” which translates as “island ferry” from Turkish. I wonder what was used for the naming ceremony… The Prince islands located in the sea of Marmara is one of the most popular daily getaways for Istanbul citizens, and for them and the islanders it is unthinkable without ferries. A fair name.
Karaca X Ist Collection Ada Vapuru breakfast set has 32 pieces and is a set for 6 people. X Ist collection is a collective product of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Cultural Company and Karaca, and has other sets and goods influenced by iconic silhouettes of Istanbul such as mugs shaped like the historic trams of Istiklal Avenue.