Category: Tugboat Plans

Free Model Tugboat plans, blueprints, drawings, model tug plans, towboat plans

Scale model plans for steam tugboat afrika 1931 0


Tugboats… For a model ship maker, tugboat models are one of the most preferred among other type of ships. They are not very complicated mostly, they do not have parts that you have to...

Goliath steam tugboat model ship plans blueprints

Goliath Steam Tug

When i talk to model ship builders about their favourite type of type of boats, tugboats are always in top three. Thankfully we have lots of them listed here. And with Goliath, a new...

free model steam tugboat plans blueprints hercules


When somebody talks about early 1900’s steam tugboats of America, a classic silhouette comes in your mind. Hercules is a good example of those tugboats and she is still alive! Hercules was built in...

model tugboat plans download ship plans


Model tugboats are one of the most popular type of model ships in model building hobby. I am sure Anteo will be a good piece for the model ship builders. I could not find...

swarozyc tugboat plans download


Tugboats are the little mighty helpers of the ships in harbors or out in the sea when they have trouble. Swarozyc was one of them. She was built in 1944 by Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij (ADM)...

frank tugboat 1905 hamburg dampfschlepper

Frank (Ex. Carl)

Here we have another steam tugboat. Frank was built in 1905 by Stülcken Sohn in Hamburg Germany. The total Length of the tug was 16.4 m and width was 4.7 meters. I made a...

steam tug saint charles model ship plans

Saint Charles

Steamer tugboat Saint Charles model plans. She was built in 1918 by Chantiers de la Loire shipyard for French Navy under the name “Coq” . She had other sisters and she also give her...

scale model hobby rc bars ocean rescue tugboat

Ocean Rescue Tugs Bars and Jahuar

We have two Soviet ocean going rescue tugs here. The “Bars” and “Jahuar” . Yeah as you guessed, their names mean “Leopard” and “Jaguar” . The sister tugboats were built in 1978 in Leningrad....

saturn tugboat hobby model ship plans 2


In 1908 a new little tugboat was launched by Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik AG and it was named “Gebr”. In 1939 she was sold to another company and renamed Saturn. Her name stood unchanged since then....