Category: other ship plans

Plans, blueprints, drawings of miscellaneous purpose ships.

Coast guard cutter point barnes model boat building plans

USCGC Point Barnes

Been a long while since a new scale model ship plan was added here. After a brief look at the options i came across with US Coast Guards 82 foot Point Class patrol boat...

lena steam schooner model ship plans


The wind power meets the power of steam in late 1800’s . In this period of maritime history, a hybrid generation of ships appeared combining these two. They kept the glory of sail ships...


Another good addition to our free scale model ship plan archive. Denmark is one of the countries where naval architecture got shaped. Maritime history dates a long way back. Viking long boats are enough...

Swiftsure-lightship 83

Lightship No 83 “Swiftsure”

Lightship No:83 is the first lightship scale model plan on our website. Lightships can be defined as portable floating  lighthouses. The names written on their freeboard are referred to the location / station thet...

model boat hobby william lyon mackenzie plans blueprints

William Lyon Mackenzie

WM Lyon Mackenzie is the fire guard of Toronto since 1964, and she is gonna be there for long! Her keel was laid down in 1963 and made her maiden voyage in 1964. Built by...

priboy research and survey ship plans


Sometimes it is really hard to classify the scale model ship plans. We actually need some help about this. Priboy is one of the eight sister ships built between 1967 – 1971 . She...

Svyatoy Muchenik Foka georgy sedov

Svyatoy Muchenik Foka

North pole. The top of the world. Many explorers started expeditions on the route and many of them failed. But these expeditions led so many important achievements aswell. Lets take a look at Georgy...

emilka little tugboat scale model ship plan


We were not able to give enough information about Emilka and we did not have her pictures. But thanks to Piotr S. Szadkowski, now we have some info. Emilka was a prototype of a harbor...