Category: Model Ship Plans

Free Model Ship Plans, Blueprints, Drawings and anything related with model ship plans.

Scale model plans for steam tugboat afrika 1931 0


Tugboats… For a model ship maker, tugboat models are one of the most preferred among other type of ships. They are not very complicated mostly, they do not have parts that you have to...

Coast guard cutter point barnes model boat building plans

USCGC Point Barnes

Been a long while since a new scale model ship plan was added here. After a brief look at the options i came across with US Coast Guards 82 foot Point Class patrol boat...

scale model ship plans of scillonian ferry


For scale model ship makers, choosing a ship plan to build is a hard task. For most model makers, the joy is not just in building, but also bringing heritage back alive, or having...

free scale model ship plans of wooden hull steam schooner wapama


Looking for free scale model ship plans? Can’t decide between a steam ship model project and wooden hull schooner? Well, Wapama is here to help you to combine both. Wapama was built in 1915...

Goliath steam tugboat model ship plans blueprints

Goliath Steam Tug

When i talk to model ship builders about their favourite type of type of boats, tugboats are always in top three. Thankfully we have lots of them listed here. And with Goliath, a new...