Tagged: steam tug
Model tugboats are one of the most popular type of model ships in model building hobby. I am sure Anteo will be a good piece for the model ship builders. I could not find...
French Steam Tugboat Actif 1939
French ministry of defence used to publish these plans but now they shut their servers down. Actif is a steam tug, and the plans are original shipyard blueprints. Unfortunately i couldn’t find any information...
Hermes Tugboat Plans
Here comes another scale model tugboat plan set. Hermes is a beautiful twin screw steam tugboat. The plans are clear and detailed. Hermes is also suitable for rc model building. She is a twin...
Strongbow Paddle Steamer Tugboat
Strongbow paddle steamer tugboat plans If you are looking for paddle steamer tugboat scale model plans, now you are at the right spot. Strongbow is a beautiful tugboat. The plans also include details of...