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Istanbul Ferry Documentary on M/S Barış Manço (Ex. İnciburnu)

Some years ago, a guy posted a question to a discussion forum where maritime enthusiasts gather and talk about Istanbul Ferries. He asked he wanted to shoot a documentary as his university graduation project and asked for help. After our beloved Fenerbahçe and Paşabahçe were taken out of service, i was so sad and depressed, and i wrote “All the good old ones are gone. Nothing much left for your documentary…” . But he did finish his film, and here it is with english subtitles (there are few mistakes but you’ll get it).

The documentary was shot onboard M/S Barış Manço. Barış Manço was a famous Turkish musician and after his loss, Şehir Hatları (İstanbul City Lines) renamed the ship İnciburnu as Barış Manço.

Here are the crew who shot the documentary

2nd Prize from Aydin Dogan Foundation 23th Competition for Young Communication Majors Visual Category, Documentary

Productor – Director
Deniz Ersoy
Gizem Naz Özer
Muratcan Gökçe
Director of Photography
Muratcan Gökçe
Muratcan Gökçe
Deniz Ersoy

Enjoy your voyage onboard M/S Barış Manço

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