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Gemide – On Board

gemide-film-izle-online full izle erkan can haldun boysan naci taşdöğen afis on board movie english subtitles

A tough one this time. Well, this movie is questioning and criticisizing whatever is happening with a disturbing way. But it is a classic Turkish movie, you should watch. Shot in 1998, directed by Serdar Akar. The stars are Erkan Can, Haldun Boysan, Yıldıray Şahinler, Naci Taşdöğen and Ella Manea. Unfortunately the film is not shot with sound (probably to prevent machinery sound) so the actors dubbed themselves again, so their talent is not seen clearly.

The full movie is on youtube, so i embedded it below the page. Just enable captions for English subtitlesand watch it here.

Gemide (On board) movie is almost completely shot onboard a sand coaster. I couldn’t find which ship exactly but the fictional name is “Karayel”.

One night, a crew nicknamed “Boksör” (Boxer) goes to the shore and he gets back robbed. When he comes onboard the ship, the captain and the rest of the crew are already high. With that state of mind, they all go together to get their money back but things get messy and they injure one of the gang members who stole their money badly. They get the money back, and take the Romanian girl who was with the gang to the ship. When the Captain gets sober, he orders Boksör to take her back. But he does not and he rapes the girl. Then things get even messier…

A parallel story “Laleli’de bir Azize” (A Madonna in Laleli) is also shot with this movie.

The quotes from the movie are being used in our regular life now, to express shitty situations very oftenly.

Where were we?

Wellcome aboard!

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