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We told about the story of S/S Aslaug before, so this is the movie shot onboard her.

The movie Martha was shot in 1967 and became a cult comedy in Scandinavian countries. The Danish movie was made by Erik Balling and Henning Bahs. The movie got 7.3 on IMDB.
“Martha is an old and rusty cargo steamer, sailing in the Mediterranean, almost forgotten by the Danish shipping line she belongs to. The crew takes advantage of this, living a very comfortable and luxurious life on board. Not without financial problems though. One day the ships owner suddenly needs to sail on her. He is a very old school and disciplined person and certainly not satisfied with the state of the ship and the crew. But the crew shows their worth when they have to fight for the survival of their beloved old steamer.” by Peter Rasmussen

Watch the trailer below

Click here to download S/S Martha’s plans

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