
All-is-Lost-storm sailing

All is lost

Imagine you are in the middle of an ocean and you have trouble. You have nobody around you to ask help for and the more you try the worse it gets. Robert Redford shows...

Swiftsure-lightship 83

Lightship No 83 “Swiftsure”

Lightship No:83 is the first lightship scale model plan on our website. Lightships can be defined as portable floating  lighthouses. The names written on their freeboard are referred to the location / station thet...

bydgoszcz polish cargo ship plans blueprints


Bydgoszcz model cargo ship plans are one of the best in the archive. The plans are nicely scanned, detailed and clean. If you are interested in model ship building hobby, and if you like...

psalm 1 tugboat ship accident video

Tugboat Psalm 1’s Accident

This video shows the tugboat first crashes to the dock, and then rams into a ferry and another tug. Psalm is a 37 m wide and 11.4 m tugboat. She was built by Shin...

orp wodnik training ship plans

ORP Wodnik

Polish training ship ORP Wodnik was built in 1976 by Northern Shipyard in Gdansk. In Polish Navy website, she names her own class but seems as the only ship in her class. As a training...

frank tugboat 1905 hamburg dampfschlepper

Frank (Ex. Carl)

Here we have another steam tugboat. Frank was built in 1905 by Stülcken Sohn in Hamburg Germany. The total Length of the tug was 16.4 m and width was 4.7 meters. I made a...

bismarck battle ship plans blueprints


Maybe, the German battleship Bismarck was the most iconic ship of world war 2.  And now we have Bismarck’s scale model ship plans.   Bismarck was one of the two battleships built in her...

bardic ferry scale model plans

Bardic Ferry

Maybe there are also scale modellers who build model cars, trucks here. So Bardic Ferry model ship plans would make them happy. M/V Bardic Ferry was built in 1957 by Danny Bros. Dumbarton in...

new istanbul ferry design şehir hatları yeni vapur 2014

Istanbul’s new ferry design

Municipality of Istanbul’s City Lines, just released the images of their new ferry design. Most of the ferries which were built in 70’s and 80’s were donated to other shore towns, where they will...