Today we add some more sails to our model tall ship plans with 4 masted barque “Tovarisch”. Tovarisch means Comrade in Russian, but the ships carreer did not start with this name. The ship...
Free Scale Model Ship Plans, Blueprints, Drawings, Tutorials and much more...
Today we add some more sails to our model tall ship plans with 4 masted barque “Tovarisch”. Tovarisch means Comrade in Russian, but the ships carreer did not start with this name. The ship...
Here we are with Nebi’s Fethiye fishing boat model building guide Part 2. I will try to translate his words into English for you. For the 1st part, please click here. To download plans...
Model ship builders will love this! This beautiful mailbox is located in Port Maitland, Ontario Canada. Powells Shipyard definitely knows the way to customize! If you want to contact us, we can not provide...
Few days ago, i found a message in my inbox saying “Hey! You might like my site with boat cutaways.” And when i checked the site my first reaction was “I want them!”. This...
47 Beautiful shipwreck photos that proove ruins of something can give a great view.
Istanbul passenger ferry ŞH Kadıköy during 13/14-11-2014.
The wind power meets the power of steam in late 1800’s . In this period of maritime history, a hybrid generation of ships appeared combining these two. They kept the glory of sail ships...
In this page, i will translate Nebi Yıkaroğlu’s model Fethiye fishing boat building experiences to you from his own blog. If you want to download the plan set, please click here. Although i am not...
If you are a frequent visitor of this website, you might have read a lot of complaints about how hard it is to find traditional local boat plans before. Since the traditions are fading away...
If a hobby passes over a certain limit of popularity, it creates a market and then comes the side products. Ofcourse as well as good ones, there are bad ones. This motion even effects...