
m/s volkerfreundschaft modellbau plan

M/S Völkerfreundschaft

M/S Völkerfreundschaft Model Plans I am trying to give brief information about the ships that i am publishing scale model plans of. And Völkerfreundschaft has one of the most interesting stories of all. She...

uscg bramble coast guard model plans

USCG Bramble

Coast Guard Buoy Tender Plans Coast guard vessels are a different taste in scale model ship building hobby. Some are even a challenge with extra ordinary curves, body sections… Just like USCG Bramble in...

FAO Trawler

Fishing Trawler Blueprints This scale model plan set is provided by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations . The plans include hull lines, sections of the boat and general arrangement. The boat has...

scale model plans hesperides

Hesperides Research Vessel Plans

R/V Hesperides research ship scale model plans Hesperides was built in 1991 in Spain and owned by Spanish government. The model plans are very clear. There are hull lines, and deck plans. There are...

rc model boat lilka

RC Pilot Boat Lilka

Another RC model boat from Satya Brata Maharana, Lilka Pilot Boat. Click here to download Lilka Pilot Boat Plans