


Kon-Tiki is another film based on a true story. The movie is about Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl who sailed on a balsa raft from south America to Polynesian islands to proove that these islands...


Ob was the flag ship of a series of Russian Antarctic expeditions. She was built in Holland with supervision of soviet engineers in 1953 with her sister Lena. The ships were built specially forsevere...

Fitzcarraldo movie steamship


When Fatih Sultan Mehmet surrounded Istanbul, Byzantine placed an iron chain at the enterance of Haliç (Golden Horn) to prevent Ottoman ships to sail in. The ships hitting the big chain and when they...

battle ship potemkin movie

Battle Ship Potemkin

Battle Ship Potemkin is one of the most influential movies and it was even stated “the greatest movie of all times” . It is based on a mutiny occured onboard Potemkin agains tsarist regime...

manisa turkish victory ship

Victory Ship Private Frederick C. Murphy

WW2 era was a very interesting period for maritime history. Ship building industry had to deal with so many challenges. Merchant fleet was contuniously attacked and shipyards had to build as fast as the...

istanbul ferry vapur interview

A small interview about Istanbul ferries

Here is a small interview with two young fellas about Istanbul ferries . They present it as a documentary but it is definitely not. Do not expect any information about the boats. I share...

MV Lochiel islay mail boat 1939

TSMV Lochiel

We could make this web site as a blueprint list, just put the plans online and you fellas download… But all these ships are not just “objects” that we like somehow. It’s their stories,...

USS Pampanito SS-383

USS Pampanito is a member of Balao class submarines of WW2 which were built a total 122 units. She is now a memorial open for visits in San Francisco. Click on the images to...

byzantine merchant ship

Byzantine trade ship

Thousands of years ago, maritime trade depended on these little wooden boats. This particular ship was found in 1958 by Turkish fishermen 150 meters away from Yassıada, at depth of 32 meters. In 1960,...