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Granit Anchor Handling Tug Plans

Granit Offshore Supply Vessel – Anchor Handling Tug Plans

Free model ship plans keep coming! This time, a tough girl “Granit”, an offshore supply vessel, anchor handling tug. It would be so nice as RC model. The plans are quite detailed. The scanning is not so good but i’ll be posting the plan in one piece later. Plans of the ship includes lines plan, rigging plan, general arrangement plan and some detailed drawings of the equipment on deck.

Some specifications about Granit:

Vessel type: Anchor Handling Vessel
Gross tonnage: 1,313 tons
Summer DWT: 999 tons
Length: 64 m
Beam: 14 m
Draught: 5.2 m

You can see pictures of Granit by clicking here. is a great helper for scale model builders. Of course, if the ships they want to build have photos in the database.

Click here to DOWNLOAD Granit Plan Set.

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