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Far Barcelona

Far barcelona tall ship plans hobby

The schooner Far Barcelona is a real piece of history. She was built in 1874 in Hardanger, Norway with the original name Anne Dorthea. She was designed as a fishing transport vessel. She was carrying 660 barrels of herring from North Sea to main consumer markets. She was also used in seal hunting.

The ship sailed in Norwegian merchant fleet from 1874 till 1975! Despite all the minor technological adaptations, the ship kept her original dimensions and shape. Between 1975 and 1990, she changed several owners and sailed in Norway and Mediterranean Sea. In 1990, the ship moved to Barcelona, and her restoration was completed in 2006.

She is 33 meters long and 6.76m wide. She has the capacity of 15 people. She joins the tall ships races and she was the oldest ship in the last ones.

The plans are not in a very good quality but they are very clean. So you can enlarge and use them.

click here to download Far Barcelona Blueprints

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