Columbia 3
Free Scale Model Boat Plans for Columbia 3 tour boat

I wouldn’t find a better photo for the boat…
Well after Hidria Segundo, i think we should keep the sequence by posting Columbia 3 scale model plans. Columbia 3 is a true beauty. She was built in 1956, to serve for the people living and working on the isolated lands of west Canadian coasts. She had hospital ship mission until the faster amphibian planes arrived, carried doctors and nurses on board. Now she is a tour boat, which have charters into the wild life of British Columbia. Run by a sweet family who also take care of the boat and maintain her by their own. Perfect crew! I should also apply for a job on board Columbia 3.
You can click here to check the website of Columbia III to see detailed pictures, and maybe even book for a holiday.
The plans of the boat are very good and detailed, provided by the grandson of the designer Robert Allan. There are general arrangement plans, rigging plans, lines plans even aft propeller house details. You can actually build the copy of the real boat with these. It may be a little tricky to scale her down but i am sure you are going to find a way. I just can’t wait to see a scale model of this charming boat. Happy building then…