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Lightship No 83 “Swiftsure”

Lightship No:83 is the first lightship scale model plan on our website. Lightships can be defined as portable floating  lighthouses. The names written on their freeboard are referred to the location / station thet they are at. Lightship No:83 had several names during her career . Swiftsure refers to Swiftsure Bank.

Lightship No:83 is one of the oldest lightships in US and the only one which has its original steam engines on. She is 39m long, 8.69m wide. She has 1000 watts of light capacity, 140 decibel horn, and a fog bell on the fore which weighs 450kg! She was taken out of service in 1960 and purchased by Northwest Seaport in 1969. Now it is a part of historic fleet. Click here to visit her page.

The scale model ship plans of lightship no:83 are in tiff format. The quailty is qute good and the plans are detailed.

Click here to download LIGHTSHIP NO. 83 Swiftsure model ship plans

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