Mistral Type Motor Boat

Mistral Motor Boat Scale Model Plans

mistral motor yacht plans

Mistral plans are perfect for scale model hobby! The plans are quiet clear and good for building. There are also some information in Polish. There are actually two sets of plans. One is perfect for RC model building. Even the frames are aligned in the sheet to consume minimum wood plate. just lay them down on wood and cut your frames, enjoy your hobby.  Mistral is popular in scale model makers. Mr. Satya Brata Maharana from India built RC Mistral from these plans. As far as i know, he also built Lilka pilot boat. Here is a video of his Mistral.

Click here to download Mistral plans

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6 Responses

  1. Peter Brown says:

    The download for the plans of the Mistral is corrupted – is it possible to have them emailed to me at:
    Thanking you,

  2. Barry Smith says:

    Hi there, like Peter, as of May 21st 2016, I also am unable to download the plans for the Mistral. Please, is there any other way to obtain these plans, as this looks to be a very interesting boat.

  3. Jack says:

    You need to “save link as” and unzip it using winRAR

  4. semimi says:

    If you have a problem with download try with google chrome

  5. Colin Roberts says:

    If you have trouble downloading, as I did originally, right click on the link, and select ‘save link as’ that should work OK

  1. February 18, 2013

    […] Click Here to download Mistral Motor Yacht Plans […]