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SKB-64 Landtief

Landtief scale model boat plans

I must admit that i am really confused about what this ship is for. Landtief and her sisters seem like a buoy tender, but as far as i could understand, she joined the hydrography fleet of German Democratic Republic. Anyway, she is an auxiliary vessel.

She was built in Peenewerft Wolgast in 1968 . She worked untill 1990 and then taken out of service. First she was sold to Netherlands, then Belgium. She was then renamed Liberty. Landtief had 9 sisters.Gollwitz,  Breitling, Hannes, Esper Ort, Palmer Ort, Grasort, Kollicker Ort, Gellen, Arkona, Darsser Ort, Ranzow and Grasort are the ones that i could reach.  She was a member of another serial launched ship type called SKB-64 ( Seezichen Kontroll Boot )They were launched between 1967-69.

The plans are  scale model plans, so almost everything is ready for you. Clear, detailed and helpfull. The scale is a mystery for now but i’ll try to find the dimensions of the boat. Or let me know if you have some info. My whole German is ich bin schocoladen pudding. Landtief will be one of the models that you enjoy most.

landtief.part01 landtief.part02 landtief.part03 landtief.part04 landtief.part05 landtief.part06

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