Shrimp Boat Plans
We have lots of fishing boat plans on this category of the website, lets also add model shrimp boat plans and increase the choices. It is a simple Russian shrimp trawler and the plans were published on a modelling magazine in 1970. Plans are simple and parts are shown in details.
Cardboard is given as a good building material for this model boat plan set. The scale is said to be 1/150 and the dimensions for the model are listed as Maximum length = 270 mm Lnb Length L = 245 mm Width B = 67 mm Depth H = 36 mm Draught T = 26 mm. The plan also seem suitable for using bread and butter method to build.

Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise on Forrest Gump
It’s funny whenever someone says shrimpboat, the first image pops in my mind is Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump with his shrimp boat Jenny in the movie. But this boat on the plans, look quite different. But who knows, maybewe can find a classic shrimp boat plan set soon.
Hello. I am looking for a boat plan to go wiht my lighthouse that I am putting on the table at church. I downloaded the Shrimp Boat plans hopig that will work Thank you so much for sharing.
Three (3) times I have attempted.the “FREE DOWNLOAD” function
On this add…..TO NO AVAIL!!! WHY??
When I type in DOWNLOAD…it does not! Why?
i’m interested in ship design