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Dutch Harbor Tug

Tugboats are a different passion in modelling hobby. It is nice to build their models and they look beautiful mostly. Here is a dutch harbour tugboat . Don’t get the “Dutch Harbour” wrong. We are talking about the country Holland, or Netherlands not the Alaskan Dutch Harbour 🙂 Dutch ship building industry gave us good examples to make model ships. Their coaster fleet was legendary i can easily say and i hope i can find some sources to share with you.

This set of plans is very clear and the tug seems easy to build. It may not seem detailed enough but there is not so much equipment on the deck. The superstucture is also simple. So here you go with your new model ship plan. Enjoy your hobby!

Click Here to see Philip Reardon’s Scale Model Dutch Harbour Tug

Click here to download the plans for free

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