Cruiser Aurora
Ships generally have a long life and they witness very important events through their lives. But some become important figures themselves. Just like the Russian cruiser Aurora.
She was launched in 1900 in St.Petersburg and she was one of the three Pallada class cruisers. Her sisters were Pallada, which gave her name to the class and Diana. She belonged to 2nd Pacific squadron which was almost completely lost in Russo-Japanese war, Tsusami battle in 1904-1905. After the war, she was used as a training vessel. During the First World War she was operated in the Baltic Sea.In 1916, the ship was moved to St Petersburg for a major repair. The city was brimming with revolutionary ferment and part of her crew joined the 1917 February Revolution. A revolutionary committee was created on the ship, with Aleksandr Belyshev elected as its captain. Most of the crew joined the Bolsheviks, who were preparing for a Communist revolution.
On 25 October 1917, Aurora refused to carry out an order to put to sea, which sparked the October Revolution. At 9.45 p.m, a blank shot from her forecastle gun signaled the start of the assault on the Winter Palace, which was to be the last episode of the October Revolution. The cruiser’s crew allegedly took part in that attack.
During WW2, guns of the ship was taken to defend the city. After WW2, she was restored and became a museum and a training vessel for Nakhimov Navy School. She is still serving as a museum ship as a symbol of the October Revolution in St.Petersburg.
Plans are drawn for model ship building. There are details of deck equipment, decks and hull. Enjoy model ship building hobby!