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Clyde Puffer Lochinvar

Lochinvar Clyde Puffer Plans.

There are so many things to say about Clyde puffers, but one thing is sure. They are “cute”, even people who are not interested in maritime or modelling like them at the first sight.

There are many sources where you can find photos, details and information about these small cargo ships, but i couldn’t find any photos of a puffer called Lochinvar. Maybe someone just named the plan like this. Lochinvar is a lake in Scotland, maybe she was running in it…

The Clyde puffers were barge like steamboats hauling goods between west coast  islands of Scotland. They have one mast with a derrick, which can also support a sail rarely used. They have flat bottoms and this enables them to beach and unload cargo when there’s no pier. They got their fame after BBC shoot short series based on Neil Munro’s stories about the puffer Vital Spark and her captain Para Handy. Here you go with an episode. Hi yaaa hooo ya ho 🙂

This is just a single piece plan, and not so detailed. But still enough to build a scale model, with reference of pictures which you can find by clicking here. 

You can click on the image to wiev in full size and download the plan.


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