Category: Articles

free model ship plans tugboat mailbox

The “Tugboat Mailbox”

Model ship builders will love this! This beautiful mailbox is located in Port Maitland, Ontario Canada. Powells Shipyard definitely knows the way to customize! If you want to contact us, we can not provide...

Fethiye fishing model boat building guide 10

Fethiye Fishing Boat model building guide Part 1

In this page, i will translate Nebi Yıkaroğlu’s model Fethiye fishing boat building experiences to you from his own blog. If you want to download the plan set, please click here.  Although i am not...

S/S America ocean liner maritime paintings Wayne Mazzotto

Wayne Mazotta’s ocean liners on canvas

If a hobby passes over a certain limit of popularity, it creates a market and then comes the side products. Ofcourse as well as good ones, there are bad ones. This motion even effects...

kacak maria sezer sculpture


“Kaçak” a Turkish word which means “deserter” is also the name given to a wind specific to the sea of Marmara. Kaçak is a very sudden and strong wind which sink so many ships...

Norway’s new bank note designs

Norges Bank introduced the new bank notes of Norway which are set to be released in 2017. The new design of the bank notes are pieces of art, which shows Norway’s connection with sea. The designs...