When somebody talks about early 1900’s steam tugboats of America, a classic silhouette comes in your mind. Hercules is a good example of those tugboats and she is still alive! Hercules was built in...
Free Scale Model Ship Plans, Blueprints, Drawings, Tutorials and much more...
When somebody talks about early 1900’s steam tugboats of America, a classic silhouette comes in your mind. Hercules is a good example of those tugboats and she is still alive! Hercules was built in...
Model tugboats are one of the most popular type of model ships in model building hobby. I am sure Anteo will be a good piece for the model ship builders. I could not find...
Looking for model dry cargo ship plans? So here we have a great plan set, Ciechanow. She was built in 1970 by Bulyard Shipbuilding Industry in Varna, Bulgaria. She was renamed as Unity VI...
Today we add some more sails to our model tall ship plans with 4 masted barque “Tovarisch”. Tovarisch means Comrade in Russian, but the ships carreer did not start with this name. The ship...
The wind power meets the power of steam in late 1800’s . In this period of maritime history, a hybrid generation of ships appeared combining these two. They kept the glory of sail ships...
If you are a frequent visitor of this website, you might have read a lot of complaints about how hard it is to find traditional local boat plans before. Since the traditions are fading away...
We have another rare type of scale model cargo ship plan set here. This time, livestock carrier ships Rokita and Boruta are on the yard! The model ship plans are distributed on two sheets...
A new type comes to model ship plans. Zryw-1 is a hydrofoil, a kind of fast ferry. The hydrodynamic surfaces under the hull acts like a plane wing and lifts the boat up when...
Sometimes, during their life span, ships can be transformed for other purposes. Panna Wodna is one of them. She was actually built as WW2 minesweeper M295 in 1944 by Germany but she was sunk...
Tugboats are the little mighty helpers of the ships in harbors or out in the sea when they have trouble. Swarozyc was one of them. She was built in 1944 by Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij (ADM)...