About Us

FreeShipPlans.com is a web site collecting free scale model ship plans on internet in one place for scale model builders. The web site launched 10th of December 2008. Lots of free scale model plans were published after our own research and contribution of our supporters. Our goal is to provide more free plans for scale model builders and try to make this hobby much more exciting and enjoyable, and to be a platform where the people interesten in scale model building hobby get together, share their knowledge and experience and show their talent and passion to others.

We are trying to improve and extend this space with related content as much as we can. Please feel free to join and support. FreeShipPlans.com welcomes everyone aboard.


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Notice: FreeShipPlans.com provides the plans that are already published on internet and is not responsible for copyright issues if not specified. To distribute the content with copyright is illegal.